Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Just paste a big 'ol "L" on my forehead, because I have not been posting at all!

Here's another catch-up on my workouts....

Friday, 5/15 - Long run, 5 miles, 11:05 pace
I decided to get my "long run" in, because I knew that I'd be busy on Sat. My neighborhood LR was only 5 miles, because I haven't gotten in a LR in over a month! It went pretty well - as usual, I started out too fast. At the 3-mile, I was at a 10:59 pace...these days for me that's fast for anything over about 3 miles. It didn't feel terribly hard, but I was breathing a bit harder than usual. Of course, I wondered if I could maintain that pace for the last two miles. :-) It felt like I was, but apparently not since my overall pace ended up being 11:05. I'm pretty sure it was faster than my last outdoor 5-miler and it was warmer than my last one too. I'll take it!

Saturday, 5/16 - Rest day
I took the kiddos for pictures to commemorate the baby's 1st birthday. Next it was grocery shopping and playing dollhouse. Aren't ya just super envious of the exciting life I lead??? :-) Later, it was time for a girl's night out...woohoo!

Sunday, 5/17 - Brick #5 - 17 mile ride (16 mph), 1 mile run (9:56 pace)
Sunday brought some awesome cooler weather! I took the kiddos to church, then visited my parents for a little while. Next, we hung out at home until the hubby made it home from work (yes, more dollhouse!) and watched the Rockets game. At the 3rd quarter, I decided that I couldn't take it anymore....I went out for a bike ride! (The Rockets were getting a beating from LA)

The bike ride was fun. I planned for an hour, but went a little longer just to get in an full 17 miles. The ride was just through the neighborhood. It was crazy with the wind...when I was riding right into it, I would be anywhere between 13 & 15 mph. I tried to not get slower than 14, but there were a few gusts that I just couldn't ride through. When the wind was at my back, I got as fast as 22 that was fun!

Monday, 5/18 - Tempo run, treadmill, 3 miles
This is why I should blog after every workout - I can't remember my final pace!!! Doh! It was hard to run on the dreadmill with temps at 71 degrees outside. But, I really don't feel safe on foot on the trails near my work. On bike I feel okay for whatever reason. I could have driven to Memorial Park, but that thought didn't occur to me until after my run. Oh well! And, an evening run was out - we had to go to a rosary service for the hubby's Aunt. May dear Aunt Molly RIP.

Tuesday, 5/19 - No workout (unplanned rest day!)
Hey, life happens right? No lunchtime spin class today...the baby started breaking out in a rash. When he woke up on Tuesday, it was much, much worse. And his fever had risen from 101 the night before to 103. Yikes! I left work early to take the lil' guy to the doctor. Apparently, the amoxicillin the doc prescribed last week for his double ear infection wasn't working at all. His ears looked "terrible" and that was also the cause of his high fever. The rash was another story...possibly viral, or maybe an allergic reaction to either his amoxicillin or MMR vaccine. The dr said it looked closer to measles, so she felt it was due to the MMR. Nice! MMR also happens to be linked to autism (allegedly), so that freaks me out!

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