Sunday, May 28, 2006

Astros Race for the Pennant

Yesterday was the Astros Race for the Pennant 5K. I picked up my race packet from Luke's on Friday and much to my surprise, I ran into a HoustonFit-er (damn, I suck at names) and Coach Gaye! It was so great to see them! Coach Gaye has been an awesome Coach and at the Houston Marathon last year, she had just the right words of wisdom to keep us going. I hung out to chat for a little while and got to hear a little bit about Gaye's experience in Paris while there for the marathon. Then, I ran into a buddy from A&M and chatted for a little while longer. I love going to Luke's because I always run into someone I know and have a chance to catch up.

On Saturday morning, it was hot and humid. The temp was around 80 and it was partly cloudy. I met up with my running buddy Marlina (she's the person who inspired me to run to begin with...I'll have to post that whole story another day!) and Pam. I did see a few other HoustonFit folks that I look forward to seeing again when training starts up next month.

This was my 1st year running this race and I really enjoyed it. Milo Hamilton, who has been the radio voice of the Houston Astros since 1985 announced the start of the race...I'm a fan of Milo, so I thought that was pretty neat. The course went through parts of downtown and had a few "hills" that were tough in the heat. Luckily, there was a bit of a breeze and 2 water stops along the way. Marlina and I started the race together and Pam and I finished it together. I don't think I beat my time from the "Tie One on For Charity 5K" a few weeks ago (mainly due to the heat), but I don't think I did too bad. The official times haven't been posted yet, and I forgot to start my stopwatch, so I don't even know my finish time. (I think it's somewhere around 32 minutes?)

The after party was terrific...they had the usual fruit, water and gatorade...but, they also had lettuce wraps, kolaches, popcorn and beer. They also offered free weight and body fat measuring (gasp! I actually did this... at least I know where I am in that respect, and I know that I have some work to do!) Add the great looking t-shirt and the 2 free Astros tickets and I give this race an A+...I will definitely be there again next year!

Run Long & Livestrong!

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