Thursday, May 18, 2006

Not much to report!

Ugh, I have not been able to run at all since Monday. Remember how I posted that life changes as a Mom? Well, that is so true this week! Usually, when I can't make it to the park, I run on the treadmill (aka - the "dreadmill") after my kiddo has gone to bed. This week, the kiddo seems to think that she must sleep in mommy & daddy's bed rather than her crib. So, being a paranoid parent, I haven't run on the treadmill because I'm afraid she will wake up and I won't hear her (it's a noisy treadmill) or that she'll roll off the bed and hurt herself. So....until I figure out how to work around this, I am stuck.

The good news is that I did manage to do a core workout yesterday. I didn't know much about core workouts until I started doing hill workouts and speedwork with Houston Fit. Coach Felix educated us right away! Core conditioning exercises are designed to help strengthen muscles that you use when running. In theory, if you strengthen the core muscles, you will run better, faster and with fewer injuries. I'm all for that! Here are some examples of core conditioning exercises from

Run long and Livestrong!

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