Thursday, February 17, 2011


I guess most of you have heard about this....

Yeah, well Boston was never on my list of goals anyway. As you know, I am a um, eh, slow runner. Not that I couldn't work really hard over the next several years to get faster. In fact, I am working on it (with the limited time that I have). But, let's be honest here....I am not interested in working that hard to qualify for one little race. I'm doing really good to keep my head above water as it is and I'd much rather focus on something Lone Star! :-)

(Yes, I know funner is not a word...)


Junie B said...

everything is funner with a runner!

Unknown said...

I use funner all the time! And I am with you - don't have any desire to work that hard to qualify...just as happy running here in my own state instead!

New follower btw - love your blog!