Thursday, August 03, 2006

Luke's Run

Today, I met up with the "Night Crawlers" at Luke's. I missed the Thursday runs for 2 weeks in a row and I was suprised that the size of the group had grown. It looked like the group has doubled since I last ran with them!

We headed down to Memorial to run along the bayou. The route is great - there's an aspalt path and rolling hills for a nice little hill workout. And, we got to jog under the bat bridge...well, that's what I call it. It's really the "Waugh Bridge Bat Colony".
There's more information about the bat bridge here. It's pretty interesting, even if it is quite smelly!

We ran 20 minutes out and 20 minutes back. I ran with Pam, Gigi and new friends, Courtney, Pam and Chris. We did great on the stretch leading out, but once we reached the 1/2 way point, a few of us switched to 5/1s. It was warm, so the 1 minute walk breaks were welcome. Plus, there were a couple of walk breaks at the stoplights. At one of the stoplights, I very stupidly stepped in front of a van that was stopped, but about to turn right. The driver was looking in the other direction when she began to I was walking right in front of her. I made a mental note to be a little more careful about where I walk from now on.

So, that's it until my Saturday LR. This week it's back to 10 miles. On Monday, I head to Denver for work. I'm curious to see how well I run in the high altitude of the "Mile High City". Hopefully, it's a little cooler, or at least less humid.

Running Stats
Conditions - 93 w/79% humidity
Total run time - ~40 minutes
Distance - ~3.3 miles
Pace - ~12:07 (slow)

Run long & Livestrong!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cool! I went to that link and watched the bat video. I need to take the kids down there. There's a place in Austin that's been famous for the same thing for years now. Glad Houston has a bat cave now. Have a good run tomorrow and enjoy Denver.