Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Clarification & a treadmill run...

After posting about my Sunday LR, I started thinking....I called running, school, studying, etc. my "Priority #1". Well, just to clarify, my real Priority #1 are God and my family...I kind of assumed that it was a given. However, I know there are folks reading this who have never met me and may not really know me all that well. Those who do know me, know that faith and family will always come 1st. That's why I started running at 5am (when I don't hit the snooze button) or after the kiddo is in bed and the hubby has left for work - I don't want running & studying to take away from family time. In the grand scheme of things, I guess my job would come next and then running and school. Of course, running has taken a backseat to school in recent weeks with tests and case studies to work on. So, I hope that's a little clearer...I don't want anyone out there to think my family was being neglected while I was out running the streets of Houston!!!

The hubby's work schedule is a bit crazy at the moment. He's going through some serious training beginning very early in the morning, so I am in charge of getting the kiddo to school this week. Since the kiddo usually ends up in our bed in the wee hours of the morning, I am deathly afraid of leaving her asleep in our bed alone to run on the treadmill. She does most of her tossing & turning in the morning and I am afraid that she'll toss & turn herself right off the bed onto the floor. If I am on the treadmill, I won't hear anything! Soooo...I am opting to run on the treadmill at night all this week.

The Houston Fit schedule called for 35 minutes yesterday. Once the kiddo was asleep, I ran my 35 minutes on the treadmill while watching the last few minutes of The Bachelor & a bit of a show called What About Brian. Both were entertaining enough to make me forget the monotonousness of the treadmill. I did notice that the insoles of my shoes were sliding up. After about 10 minutes, I realized that my toes no longer had the insoles beneath them. The insoles had slipped up into the heel of my shoe! I noticed this during my Sunday run, but thought it was a fluke with the rain and all. I've never had this happen before...and I know all of my running shoes have gotten wet at some point! So, I'm not sure what to do. Do I get new insoles? Ones that I have never used before? Right before the marathon? Do I just pray this doesn't happen on marathon day? Do I use my old shoes? Hmmm....I may call Luke's for advice. What would you do?

So, that was it - 35 minutes at an 11:30 pace. Afterwards, I hit the books and started studying for my next accounting exam. I can hardly concentrate...I am so ready to get to Chicago!


Unknown said...

Of course it was a given.

I was just thinking at Memorial this morning how much I'm going to miss not seeing you at Memorial park after your marathon is over. :)

TX Runner Mom said...

Hey vic, I'll still be there on either Saturday or Sunday mornings. I'll still be running some...I am still going to run the 1/2 in January! Ummm...maybe we'll actually have a chance to speak next time we see each other! :0)