Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Where to start?

Here are this week's workouts so far....

The parents had the kiddo over for a sleepover, so I slept in and then did my run...man did it feel awesome to sleep until 8:30 am! Anything later than 6:15 is late these days. It's bad when your 2-month old sleeps better than your 3 year old.

Workout #1 - "long" run - 2 miles, outdoors (9 am), 5/1's - don't know what's going on with my knees, but they were both sore afterwards. That, and my right calf was cramping up.

The hubby and I are working out together for the 1st time ever. We've decided to try something new - P90X. Day 1 was chest and back, plus something appropriately titled "Ab Ripper". Now, I've done upper body workouts and ab workouts, but this is not just your average, run of the mill push ups and crunches.

This is push ups and crunches on CRACK.

True story.

Honestly, the upper body workout didn't seem horrible when I was doing it, but by the evening it hurt to pick up my 13 lbs munchkin.

Workout #2 - 56 minutes of chest and back, plus 16 minutes of 349 grueling ab exercises

I actually went into work for a 1/2 day for meetings (which I will be doing 2x per week until August). Since I also had to go to school for a group project meeting, I woke up at 5:00 am to feed the baby and do what else? Workout! Yes, I was a grumpy biotch, but I did it anyway. I was sore as hell from day 1 of P90X.

Workout - 1 hour of plyometrics

Plyometrics is basically an intense bunch of jumping exercises designed to improve endurance. It was pretty brutal. There was one exercise where you simply hop on one foot for a minute and then switch legs...I couldn't do it because it hurt the hell out of my knees.

Back to work today for a training class. But, I had a 5 am P90X workout on the schedule - 1 hour of shoulders and arms, plus the good ol' ab ripper. Fun, fun!

I actually ran out of time and couldn't do the ab ripper until the evening after the kiddos were in bed. The goal was to also get in my 25 minute run around the neighborhood, but by the time I finished the ab ripper, I was pooped. I will have to get in my 3 runs on consecutive days - Wed, Thurs & Fri. School is Sat, so my "long" run will be on Sunday again. Lucky for me, the gate on the pool is fixed, so I am going to get in an early morning swim sometime soon!

Workout - 1 hour shoulders and arms, 16 minutes of ab ripper

Speaking of the pool, I did get to take the kiddo to her swim class this afternoon...she did awesome! Pretty soon she's going to be giving me pointers. LOL!


K said...

The hormones will continue to do a number on your joints (including knees) until the baby is weaned. I am not advocating that at all, just letting you know. It took me quite a bit of time after the nursing ended to feel like my joints were ok.

The plyometrics probably isn't helping either...:0)

TX Runner Mom said...

Thanks for the info K...I had no ideas! Glad to know it's just not me getting older. :-)