Tuesday, June 21, 2011

5 days and counting...

I have 5 days until I have reached the 6 week mark after the lovely toe incident. 5 days until I can run again!!! I am a little nervous though. I won't lie - the toe still hurts. I tried to wear normal shoes to work last week - flats, not heels though - and my toe hurt like heck by noon.

I know that I am not "staying off my foot" as much as the doc might like. Hell, I work downtown! I have to walk to and from the bus stop, I have to walk 3 blocks to get lunch, I have to walk to other people's offices, not to mention that I have two small kids to chase around. I have to walk 10 miles in the snow, barefoot...you get the idea.

So, here's to hoping that I can run again with minimal pain. Here's to hoping my endurance isn't completely gone - swimming, biking and strength training can only do so much. Here's to hoping that ramping up the mileage again won't be too horrible...okay, that one's wishful thinking because it is Houston and it is summer! Here's to hoping that I can train hard for Bridgeland and have another pace PR! Here's to hoping that I am ready to train for NYC!!!


Anne said...

This may be a little late in the advice department, but given the lingering pain, would you consider buying a "boot" that keeps pressure off the toe while allowing you to walk anywhere you wish? I used one for a broken foot (after the cast came off) and fractured ankle and it really improved both my mobility and healing rate.

TX Runner Mom said...

Anne, the doctor said that if I had come to his office a day or two after I broke it, he would have made me wear the boot for a few weeks. But, it was 3 weeks after and it appeared to be healing nicely, so no boot. At this point, I would consider pretty much anything!

Anne said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you and hoping that it has continued to heal nicely! Good luck!