Thursday, April 16, 2009


I left work 15 minutes early so I could get to the pool a little earlier. Heck, I had been coming in a little early, had worked late one day, had worked through a couple of lunches, so I figured it was okay. As soon as I was about 3 miles from the Y, it started raining. Just a sprinkle or two, but rain nonetheless. I asked the woman at the desk if the pool was open and she assured me that it was. I changed clothes and head out the door. Well, almost. The door from the dressing room to the pool was locked. Great! I put clothes on over my swimsuit and head toward the other door that heads to the pool. That's where the life guards were hanging out...turns out there was thunder and it would be another 10 minutes before the pool would be open. So much for getting an early start!

I was eventually able to get in the pool and do some laps. When I had my private swim lesson with Connie at the Y, she would tell me to think sssslllllooooowwww as I swim. Going slow and concentrating breathing out would help me not get all out of breath. Well, for some reason when there are two life guards hanging out and I am the only one in the pool, I turn into SpazGirl again. It wasn't my best time in the pool. I did the 1st 50m and was completely out of breath...yeah, apparently I wasn't going sssllllooooowwww enough. I finished up about 800 meters, but there were lots of rest breaks in between. It was not a pretty swim day.

I am going to hit the pool again tomorrow after work. My goal is to swim 3-4x each week from now until the tri...I need some improvement or else I'll be backstroking the tri course.

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